Amanda's 10-step DE-reformation program, was Re: How does he know?

Amanda Geist editor at
Mon Jul 18 19:08:45 UTC 2005

I cannot write in Potterverse
I shouldn't even try
For it will go from Snape to worse
And make poor readers cry

And hypocritical, it is
To write it anyway
For surely it is fanfic too
Which I shove fast away.

Okay, that should be enough.

I second whomever's motion to make this spoiler space permanent. It's 
becoming an art form.

The Goat bleated:

> OK, so how does Dumbledore *know* that Snape is true?
> I mean, obviously, he saved both Dumbledore and Malfoy from fates 
> than death by giving Dumbledore the bump, so there's no question 
> it now. But how did Dumbledore know *before* Snape proved his 
> 1. Snape loved Lily.
> 2. Snape gave Voldie with the provision that Lily would be spared -
> perhaps even that he could drag Lily back to his cave.
> 3. Voldie broke his promise, though he did sort of almost give Lily 
> chance.
> 4. Snape realized what he had done and came to Dumbledore a broken 
> 5. Dumbledore's penance: Snape is to remain among the Death eaters 
as a
> spy.

ARGH. See? See? That was my whole timeline problem. Dumbledore told 
the Wizengamot (or whoever was assembled) in GoF, that Snape 
rejoined "our" side before LV's downfall. Your sequence above has 
Snape rejoining our side *after.* It won't work.

I think it was Pippin, suggested that the key lies in the interval 
between Snape-the-true-DE reporting the prophecy to LV, and LV making 
good on his Potter plans. Here's my adjustment

1. Snape loved Lily. (well, duh. Insert Amanda's favorite version of 
the theory here.)
2. Snape, still true DE, gave Voldie the prophecy without realizing 
it had the potential to put Lily in peril. (How many people keep up 
with old flames well enough to realize they're pregnant or when they 
are expected to deliver, even if said old flames are *not* on the 
other side in a serious conflict and probably not people you run into 
on the street everyday?)
3. LV does the data gathering, which points him to the Longbottoms 
and the Potters.
4. LV tells key DEs what his plans are. Off the kids and their 
families and their goldfish and anyone else in the way.
5. Snape realizes Lily is toast. Asks LV to spare her for him, but 
probably realizes LV's predeliction to do whatever the hell he 
pleases, so her chances are small.
6. Snape goes to Dumbledore, becomes spy; and therefore we also now 
7. Snape is the source of the information that the Potters are in 
danger. OR he confirms it.
8. LV fails to find the Potters for rather a long time. At least 15 
months + however many months the prophecy preceded Harry's birth.
9. Wormtail rats. (I'm so sorry, but I couldn't resist.)
10. LV attacks Potters, with resultant Official First Downfall.

Okay, this is the only way I can see, at the moment, for Snape to 
have been both the spy in the Hog's Head, AND to have rejoined our 
side before LV's downfall. I realize that there may have been some 
other trigger than what I postulate in numbers 4 & 5, but I think the 
basic timeline is right.


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