[the_old_crowd] Amanda's 10-step; Drinking Games

Aberforths Goat / Mike Gray aberforthsgoat at aberforths_goat.yahoo.invalid
Mon Jul 18 20:11:15 UTC 2005

TO THE READER BELONG THE SPOILS! - Andrew Jackson after beating the rest
of his Yahoo group to the dénouement

SHUFFLE OFF THIS MORTAL SPOIL. - Shakespeare, in a fit of histrionics -
a fine writer but a depressingly slow reader and under-average poster

CURSES, SPOILED AGAIN. - Western Villain, semi-literate, foul-mouthed,
God-awful loser - but good for some action on the list

DOUBLE, DOUBLE, SPOIL AND TROUBLE. - Obviously, a cheat with illicit
file-sharing software, an uncannily fast connection and some inside
information; quickly banned by Heidi.

(From Spoilsports: A History)

* * * * * 

> ARGH. See? See? That was my whole timeline problem. Dumbledore told 
> the Wizengamot (or whoever was assembled) in GoF, that Snape 
> rejoined "our" side before LV's downfall. Your sequence above has 
> Snape rejoining our side *after.* It won't work.

Dad blast it!

That's what I get for ignoring all theory-ish posts for the last couple
years. Have to say I like my theory better. I think I'll just spend the
next couple years assuming that Jo got her wires crossed.

* * * * *

By the way, my neighbor just came up with a new theory. Thing is, she
couldn't believe that Dumbledore would really be dumb enough to chug
such a massive amount of poison. I mean, if the guy's really the bee's
knees of wizardry, can't he figure out a better way to mop up? 

Moreover, she thinks the whole Regulus thing is a red harring - far too
easy for us to figure out. Thing is, she say, if the silver locket at
Sirius' place was really Slytherin's, how could Harry (who must have
spent some time trying to open it) not have recognized it?

So her theory: the liquid itself was the horcrux. By drinking it,
Dumbledore destroyed the horcrux but also let some experience of the
Dark Lord's personality enter his own nature. In fact, the reason seeing
the dark mark over Hogwarts gave him new strength was *not* his fear for
students but a trace of Voldie's maniacal elation.

Snape had to kill him to keep Voldie from taking over.

I'm not taking sides, but it's a cool idea.


Aberforth's Goat (a.k.a. Mike Gray) 

"Of course, I'm not entirely sure he can read, 
so that may not have been bravery...." 

Anyway, that's her take.

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