My HBP Review (the Snape part, of course)

Amanda Geist editor at
Thu Jul 21 15:58:54 UTC 2005

Do we still need these?
Too hard to check the rules
Much easier to cut and paste
These lines with edit tools

Do we still need these?
Too hard to check the rules
Much easier to cut and paste
These lines with edit tools

Do we still need these?
Too hard to check the rules
Much easier to cut and paste
These lines with edit tools

Do we still need these?
Too hard to check the rules
Much easier to cut and paste
These lines with edit tools


> Like Joywitch, my gut inclination is to view Snape as just the same 
> evil greaseball nasty git that he's always been in my mind, but 
sadly, I do 
> think it will turn out that the Snapefans are probably mostly 
right.  Loved 
> AmandaGeist's old HPfGU message (#47077) and think she (and Jan) 
> clearly on the right track way back when.  I do wonder though about 
> Catherine's question regarding Snape's intent  (and there have been 
so very 
> many Snape messages flying around, I hope I'm forgiven if I missed 
where we 
> all worked this one out already) -- doesn't the AK require a more 
> intent to murder (rather than a "positive" intent for a mercy 

There's been a suggestion that what Snape did was not, or was more 
than, or in addition to, AK, since the AK's we've seen or heard 
reported did not physically move their victim.

Personally, I think it's likely that Snape augmented AK to do the 
physical aspect--because even if he didn't have the heart and true 
intent to kill Dumbledore, the fall sure as hell would. Maybe it was 
spell insurance, blowing him over the edge of the tower in addition 
to the AK--even if Snape couldn't "mean" it the way you must mean AK, 
Dumbledore's death was assured by gravity. Maybe the other DEs 
watching would attribute the physical effect to pent-up frustration 
over the years.

Maybe I'm delusional but humored by the author because while untrue, 
this line of theory is productive in some way.


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