My HBP Review

fhmaneely fmaneely at
Thu Jul 21 17:41:23 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at, "Barry Arrowsmith" 
<arrowsmithbt at b...> wrote:
> --- In the_old_crowd at, "fhmaneely" <fmaneely at b...> 
> IS A
> HOW 
> > 
> > Ironically Harry thinks the HBP is not a bad person and HBP turns 
> > to be Snape.... Think this may be a clue to Harry finally 
> > Snape?  
> > 
>From Kneasy:
> This is one of the 'revelations' that I'm not too comfortable with.
> Harry believes it; not sure I do. Seems somewhat more than a little
> contrived.
 But Harry has always looked for reasons to justify his instinctive
> antipathy to Sevvy - and Sevvy has always co-operated by giving 
> him plenty of the justification Harry wants

Being a former Snape hater, I like him alot better now and think he's 
on the good side. I may be fooled but I think killing/putting DD out 
of misery was very hard for Snape.  Harry will eventually accept 
Snape as ok, but he will buck the idea all the way.  Something was 
said in HPB about how hard it is to admit someone was right and you 
have deen dead wrong. I refer to Percy (the twit) not apologizing to 
his family. There was dialogue in the book. 

>. This time it's different,
> Snape could always treat Harry's opinions with contempt, dismiss
> them as irrelevant, because he knew he'd be backed up by DD. Not
> this time. This time Harry is left with just his own very emotional
> responses, there is no authority figure telling him he's mistaken.

Fran one more time:
We know Harry is headed back to the Dursley's, but not back to 
Hogwarts.... I cannot see him skip the last year at school. Someone 
is going to intervene,  I just cant see Harry on the loose now, and 
wonder who will be able to knock some sense into him.  I understand 
the LOTR parallels, but Harry still needs to do some growing up and 
skill strengthening to do.  I am not ready to let go of Hogwarts yet, 
and still hope will be wandering thru the halls one last time!


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