Red Herring Tonks and the Ax (or some tiny clue picking)
Kirstin Innes
kirst_inn at
Sun Jul 24 23:47:12 UTC 2005
I spoil
You spoil
He spoils
She spoils
It spoils
We spoil
They spoileth
Two small points I dont quite have the gorm back to
start posting all over the board. However -
ewe2 quoting Our Lady of the Scarlet
>> " ...there is no place for romance in a detective
story except that
>>it can be useful to camouflage other people's
motives. That's true; >>it is a very useful trick.
I've used that on Percy and I've used that >>to a
degree on Tonks in this book, as a red herring."
>Does it though? I'm wondering whether she's kind of
mis-spoke here.
>The thing with Percy and what was up with him was the
fact that he >*did* have a girlfriend, which was the
explanation for all his odd >behaviour. Isn't she
saying this is what she's done with Tonks? And >on
reread, the clues are all definitely there - <snip>
I thought that Tonks in HBP was another of Jos red
herrings one of the ones that shes always proud
enough of to mention in interviews, but which nobody
really remembers after a full read. A Ludo Bagman. I
think we were supposed to think that Tonks was Malfoy
with Polyjuice (hence why she cant Morph Out). We
were definitely supposed to think there was something
suspicious about her there was no need for her at
all otherwise. Not only has she been looking funny all
summer and is the only one to discover Harry under the
Invisibility Cloak on the Hogwarts Express, but she
turns up in the RoR corridor where Malfoy is hiding
out for no reason (walking as though she frequently
strolled up this corridor p436). Then, immediately
afterwards, the big hint:
Was it his imagination, or did Malfoy, like Tonks,
look thinner? Certainly he looked paler; his skin
still had that greyish tingenone of the swagger that
he had had on the Hogwarts Express p443
I think she wanted us to think that Tonks rather than
Rosemerta had been placed under some sort of spell,
and divert our attention over thataway. The thing is,
Jo is never quite as obvious about this as Agatha
Christie was, and Imperiused!Rosemerta eventually
played such a small part in the plot that it didnt
quite take hold. She's always very excited about the
way she's placed her red herrings the interviews
immediately preceding and following each book, but the
herrings themselves tend to be overlooked in the
obsessive re-reads when we already know whodiddit.
Ludo Bagman didn't get half the attention that Barty
Crouch Junior did, poor chap.
And moving swiftly on:
My favourite aged drool-flecked portrait, Talisman,
again quoting Our Woman of the Tantalising Hintage to
back her own personal Snapetheory:
>"JKR: Right, well, that's what I believed. Sirius
would have done
>it. He, with all his faults and flaws, he has this
profound sense of
>honor, ultimately, and he would rather have died
honorably, as he
>would see it, than live with the dishonor and shame
of knowing that
>he sent those three people to their deaths, those
three people that
>he loved beyond any others, because like Harry he is
a displaced
>person without family."
>(Talisman: which helps explain why he would
volunteer, in my theory)
>Two agreed hits by Order members on Order members.
It's got to be
>tied to the Horcruxes and LV's defeat. Nothing else
would rate such
Three agreed hits. Or three hits, anyway, if we
accept, as all non-herringy evidence points to, that
Snape was working under Dumbledores orders as a
double-triple-quadruple-fenuple-schlamuple agent; and
also that Emmeline Vance is actually dead (like Hannah
Abbots mum and the Death Eater that Ginny tells us
the big blonde one has killed, because there must
necessarily be relatively anonymous casualties on both
sides in order to convince us of the seriousness of
the situation).
If Emmeline Vance is dead and Snape is still on the
good side really, then she is a deliberate hit on
Snapes part a necessary,
not-quite-important-enough-for-Harryhurt killing
carried out to make it look as though Snape was still
on the right side. Which means that Dumbledore must
have been party to it or must at least have sanctioned
the letting of some amount of Order blood. If the
leader of the Order is disposable as a means to
keeping Snapes cover, then so must be every one of
the members of the Order, especially if so far their
only distinction has been to have rosy cheeks and to
have fanon mark them out as Lily Evans old school
friend. I just wonder whether she knew about it or
Kirstin(i), finding increasing plausibility in
Talismans old Spymaster!Dumbledore and his amoral
scheming. Also doubting very much that Neil is off
chasing centaur maids.
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