His Little Helper
talisman22457 at talisman22457.yahoo.invalid
Mon Jul 25 00:32:37 UTC 2005
To The Coy Moderators
Had we but world enough, and Time,
This Spoiling business were no crime.
We would sit and think of each new way
To fill up space the live long day.
Mods, holding up their weary side,
Should'st policy bind: I rather wide
And loudly would complain. I would
>From tears profuse create a Flood.
An Age we would pursue this Art,
An Age to melt a Modie's heart.
(Tho' Neil, you do deserve to bake,
For making Vows you cannot break.)
But at my back I alwaies [sic] hear,
Those other Theorists drawing near.
And Carpal Tunnel is taking place,
In Deserts of typed Spoiler Space.
Now therefore, while we still recall the Cite,
Leave us with the strength to Fight.
Now, ere another interview
Makes us want to drink Green Goo.
Now let us post and freely play,
Without a Spoiler debt to pay.
And rather at once reveal our Wit
Than languish in this Spoiler @#$%.
(With thanks to Andrew Marvell for his remarkable impatience.)
* * * * *
Another feral thought skittered through my cranium this morning, in
that twilight between sleep and waking.
I had already decided that the locket Hx is tucked up in Kreature's
It now also occurs to me that Kreature was Regulus' assistant in
retrieving it.
There would be only one wizard for the enchanted boat to sense.
Kreature would have to obey Reg's orders to make him finish drinking
the potion, and also to make sure that both he and the locket made
it back out again. (Or, perhaps Reg made Kreature drink the gop;
that would explain his sunny personality. <g>.)
If further defensive magic was needed to escape the Inferi, even if
Reg was debilitated, House Elf's have their own potent brand.
As Reg was killed within a few days of leaving the DEs, and would
have been suffering the effects of green gop, it's no wonder he
didn't have time to destroy the locket Hx.
But, oh lucky day, Harry has inherited Kreature, too.
All he's got to do is put two and two together (or perhaps Hermione
can do that part) and then order Kreature to hand it over.
If Harry manages to be bright, he could go on and ask Kreature about
a lot of things. What else Reg knew about Hxes, for a start. There's
probably a wealth of info in that little beastie; and, not just
about Hxes.
Talisman, saying: sure Regulus erred in joining the DEs. But he was
very young and very brave to leave them--knowing it meant certain
death--not to mention to go after the locket.
I agree that DD had previous info on the cave. Sirius doesn't
acknowledge his brother's final nobility, but DD *could* plumb
Kreature's grey matter (and did). Hmmmm.
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