This and that
Barry Arrowsmith
arrowsmithbt at
Mon Jul 25 11:39:37 UTC 2005
It is
No longer
Snip it
It back.
Was it like this last time?
So many aspects of the books to discuss, so many posters suggesting
that this or that particular point deserves addressing - how to cope
with all the ideas? Images of one-armed paper-hangers or a mutt in a
lamp-post manufactory spring to mind.
Taking a leaf out of the book of the Furry Fan from California seems
--- In the_old_crowd at, "Amanda Geist" <editor at t...>
> If Horcruxes are made at significant deaths--isn't it likely
> planned to make one that night in the graveyard, after he came back?
> Maybe he "used" one to return and needed to replace it. Harry's
death to be
> the trigger or whatever.
> So, he still had killed Cedric and could have made one...if he'd
> about it--what would it have been?
> Tombstone?
> Wormtail's hand?
> Triwizard cup?
Graveyard Horseclucks - a possibility, but DD did intimate that he
thought that His Nastiness would plump for important (and therefore
probably existing) magical artifacts as repositories.
Tombstone - Battle at the AK Corral.
Dunno about this, not really a portable object, most of the other
seem a bit handier to cart around. And whose stone would he use? Not
dear old dad surely, Voldy lacks that nice sense of ironic self-
mockery to pick that one, I'd think.
The one thing Voldy did produce in the graveyard was that silver
hand. Must have some significant part to play, is it here? Maybe El
Ratto can be manoeuvred to pay his debt to Harry by some sort of self-
The Cup seems to fit the bill better; an unfettered imagination could
wonder if he intended that in the future names drawn for the TWC end
up getting the Voldy treatment somehow. Or would it be just the
Durmstrang champion? But IIRC he ignores the Cup completely.
We're not likely to find one made here, I think. Remember that Voldy
didn't kill Cedric - it was El Ratto using Voldy's wand, so it wasn't
really a murder all his own. Would he be able to produce a
Horseclucks under those circumstances? We've no definitive yea or nay
from herself, but the odds are probably against it.
--- In the_old_crowd at, "Talisman" <talisman22457 at y...>
> If anyone has posted this idea before, by all means let me know.
> Kindred spirits are a rare find and I wouldn't want to miss one.
> I agree with all those who put Rowling's boggart comments together
> with the text and believe DD is experiencing his worst memories in
> the cave. (Guilty!DD, indeed.)
> Attentive readers might also recall that I have been calling the
> Prophesies nothing more than DD's manipulative devices, for years.
> (Circa 2003. Really almost did a TBAY back in the day called "DD's
> Bait Shop"--he's got so much of it.)
> The answer for me now is that DD *causes* Trelawney to have her
> prophecies. He didn't go to the Hog's Head to be accommodating. As
> we saw with TR, he would ordinarily conduct job interviews in his
> office at Hogwarts.
Yes, it has been mentioned as a possibility by Conspiracy Theorists
previously. (It was in toc post 1461 - a response to one of your
posts. Tut, tut. The old memory playing tricks again? Or did you
place it in your personal Pensive and forget about it?) Lets face it,
Puppetmaster!DD enthusiasts consider that he's more or less to blame
for everything, including Windows software and plastic packaging.
They're just his little joke. It (the Prophecy, well, both of 'em
actually) are the WW version of a nifty bit of ventriloquism,
artfully engineered by DD to prod folk in the direction he wants them
to go. But the chickens come home to roost - in the Cave. Unbearable
guilt and remorse for the consequences of his manipulations.
--- In the_old_crowd at, "Jen Reese" <stevejjen at e...>
> Now I think it was more of an insurance policy. Tom is intrigued by
> the idea of being a wizard, but he still has the rather large flaw
> of trying to do everything by himself. The WW can't risk the likes
> of Tom out there trying to learn magic by himself, and probably DD
> has hopes they can turn him around at Hogwarts, with proper
> training.
One thought did occur.
Tom has been demonstrating his 'powers' for some time.
Would the Underage Magic Watchdogs detect it?
Use of a wand is not necessary - Dobby didn't use one levitating the
cake and that was noticed. According to canon it's best spotted in
places where adult wizards aren't likely to be throwing spells around
- a Muggle orphanage would stick out like a sore thumb. Is this how
DD was able to track him down?
--- In the_old_crowd at, "carolynwhite2"
<carolynwhite2 at a...> wrote:
> What I just don't get is why anyone thinks Regulus is up to
> retrieving the locket in the first place, and re-creating/inventing a
> very complex potion, then leaving everything shipshape and tidy so no
> one notices he's been there.
> Of course the initials are suggestive, but is this more misdirection?
> snip
> The only conclusion is that they are not his initials, but perhaps
> another member of the Black family. What exactly happened to Sirius'
> and Regulus' father, for instance? He'd be the right age to have gone
> to school with Riddle.
Now that the first flush of jumping to conclusions has started to
fade, Regulus
doesn't look such a hot favourite after all. Only to be expected,
it's rare that herself offers clues with such an apparently simple
solution. If not him, who?
Could be an elder Black seeking a morsel of revenge for the zapping
of Regulus, of course. We know almost nothing about other males in
the immediate Black family, all our atention has been directed at the
wall-mounted nutcase. That it's a Dark Magic encrusted wizard seems
likely, given how much of it they would need to know to get at the
locket. And the implication is that they got in, got the locket, re-
deposited it and got out again. How powerful would they have to be to
do that? Pretty bloody powerful IMO.
Are they true initials - or another HBP-type nom-de-wand? Ooh! That'd
be sneaky!
Who thinks Neil used his Time-turner to get a sneak preview.
He keeps it in the attic with a certain portrait - the one with the
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