Fawkes - Riddle - Snape

silmariel silmariel at a_silmariel.yahoo.invalid
Mon Jul 25 14:22:16 UTC 2005

Ok, I've seen Fakwes suggested as proof for Snape loyalty (not only now, long 
time ago, in HPfGU), but never a post opposing the idea. I suppose I've lost 
the relevant mails, but given there is new canon, I'll retake the subject. 


1.- Available information is different from textbooks (FB) than given on-stage 
by DD. 'Domesticated' ones are very rare so information about them might be 
as rare. DD throws everyone out of the room before talking of Fawkes, and 
it's the first thing he addresses. (CoS, chap18)

3.- McGonadall coud've at least say that after all the Phoenix wasn't such a 
good proof, makes me think she doesn't now or she won't tell. (HBP)

4.- LV perpetuates his own weaknesses, which can be found in his past. (HBP) 
LV tends to disregard 'white magic'.

5.- Tom Riddle diary was blissfully ignoring healing properties of Phoenix 
till it was too late. Please note that for a being so loving of himself, so 
inteligent, and having a Phoenix wand core, this strikes as a blind point for 
him. FB was already used as textbook in his days.

6.- There's a simmetry. Harry 'summons' Fawkes in book 2 and 6.


You don't have to show a memory, it can be done on-stage. Phoenix come and go 
at will. (FB)

I think Fawkes is passing under LV radar. Red herring, anyone?


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