Half Blood Prince: two sentences missing from UK edition
judy at judyserenity.yahoo.invalid
Thu Jul 28 23:27:36 UTC 2005
Tim wrote:
> I'm at Accio 2005 and heard from Troels Forchhammer via Ali Hewison
> a very strange omission in the UK version of Harry Potter and the
> Half Blood Prince.
> I can understand language changes, but why would Bloomsbury cut two
> sentences, or Scholastic add them?
The missing sentences are:
"He cannot kill you if you are already dead. Come over to the right
side, Draco, and we can hide you more completely than you can
possible imagine."
It is pretty obvious that this isn't a language change; it is a flat-
out mistake. The question is, which version did JKR intend?
I was just talking about this with a friend at lunch, and she thinks
JKR must have changed her mind about this passage, but only one
version got her changes. My friend's theory is that JKR wanted to
take out the two sentences in the US edition, because she was afraid
they would lead fans to conclude that Dumbledore had only pretended
to die.
This is possible, but doesn't explain why JKR left the following line
in both editions: "Nobody would be surprised that you had died in
your attempt to kiil me." This line also makes it clear that the
Order can fake deaths.
So, my guess is that it was just an editing glitch.
By the way, I really wish I was at Accio! I considered going, but
didn't want to spend the money. What was I thinking??? Hope you
have a great time, Tim.
-- Judy
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