[the_old_crowd] Re: Half Blood Prince: two sentences missing from UK edition
Tim Regan
timregan at dumbledad.yahoo.invalid
Thu Jul 28 23:44:30 UTC 2005
Hi All,
I wrote:
<<< I'm at Accio 2005 and heard from Troels Forchhammer via Ali Hewison
a very strange omission in the UK version of Harry Potter and the Half
Blood Prince.
I can understand language changes, but why would Bloomsbury cut two
sentences, or Scholastic add them? >>>
Then Judy suggested:
<<< The missing sentences are:
"He cannot kill you if you are already dead. Come over to the right
side, Draco, and we can hide you more completely than you can possible
imagine." >>>
But no, they are not. Here are the two sections:
Dumbledore in UK:
<<< Come over to the right side, Draco, and we can hide you more
completely than you can possibly imagine. What is more, I can send
members of the Order to your mother tonight to hide her likewise. Your
father is safe at the moment in Azkaban ... >>>
Dumbledore in USA (thanks to Lynn on main list):
<<< Come over to the right side, Draco, and we can hide you more
completely than you can possibly imagine. What is more, I can send
members of the Order to your mother tonight to hide her likewise. Nobody
would be surprised that you had died in your attempt to kill me -
forgive me, but Lord Voldemort probably expects it. Nor would the Death
Eaters be surprised that we had captured and killed your mother - it is
what they would do themselves, after all. Your father is safe at the
moment in Azkaban ... >>>
Tim / Dumbledad
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