Those dam Hordevours!

mooseming josturgess at
Fri Jul 29 16:52:17 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at, "Judy" <judy at j...> wrote:
> <snip>
> However, I was just talking to a friend, and she said that perhaps 
> the murder isn't what makes the horcrux so evil.  What makes it so 
> evil, maybe, is how it permanently separates the soul -- she 
> it to selling your soul to the devil.  So, that is another 
> possibility.
yep, that's how I see it. Once that little bit of soul is parked 
elsewhere the whole cannot be 'saved', not only is it using the 
damage inflicted by a terrible act for personal gain but it is 
denying any possibility of healing and redemption.


  I was thinking more that the horcrux could 
> only be made when the rip in the soul was fresh.  After a time, 
> rip would sort of scar over.  

Nope, I think that without a good dollop of guilt, remorse, 
attrition, whatever, the rip festers. I can't believe a murder 
committed 10 years ago that remains unlamented can be *less* 
damaging than one committed yesterday when the potential for 
retrospective regret is still a possibility. If that makes sense?

By this time Voldy's soul must look like so much chopped liver of 
the *ripe* variety. Ah Pate, the perfect 'horses doobries' for 
Talisman's dementor snack/regurgitate theory.


I may be as woefully wrong as Humphrey Belcher, who believed the 
time was ripe for a cheese cauldron.

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