Those dam Hordevours!

Kimberly moongirlk at
Fri Jul 29 21:14:42 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at, "mooseming" <josturgess at e...> 
> --- In the_old_crowd at, "Judy" <judy at j...> wrote:
> > <snip>
> > However, I was just talking to a friend, and she said that 
> > the murder isn't what makes the horcrux so evil.  What makes it 
> > evil, maybe, is how it permanently separates the soul -- she 
> compared 
> > it to selling your soul to the devil.  So, that is another 
> > possibility.
> > 
> yep, that's how I see it. Once that little bit of soul is parked 
> elsewhere the whole cannot be 'saved', not only is it using the 
> damage inflicted by a terrible act for personal gain but it is 
> denying any possibility of healing and redemption.

I think this is exactly it.  We know how JKR feels about choices.  
The existence of ghosts and dementors and doorknuckles, and 
Dumbledore's great quote about the next great adventure are pretty 
clear indications that Harry's is a world in which there is an 
afterlife.  I may be projecting my own beliefs somewhat, but since 
JKR said she didn't think the books were completely secular, I don't 
think it's too wild of a guess to think that said afterlife involves 
some sort of either karma or judgement or something, so taking 
advantage of having done murder to take one's soul apart in order to 
avoid the afterlife altogether is definitely making a choice that 
would tend to rule out anything like repentance.  Why repent if you 
don't plan on ever having to face your maker, or whatever.  

So I'd say yeah, that's probably why most nice folks aren't so fond 
of hoarfrosts.  In other words, me too!


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