checking out the library book / Love
Catlady (Rita Prince Winston)
catlady at
Sat Jun 18 04:17:49 UTC 2005
Potioncat wrote in :
<< The other point of discussion was that JKR said in one interview
that no one remains at Hogwarts over the summer. So how would the
library books be available? >>
<< Q: Where do the Hogwarts teachers live during the school holidays ?
Do they stay at Hogwarts ? (Andrew Zimmer)
A: No, they don't. Filch, the caretaker, stays. >>
If there's another interview where she said that no one but Filch is
allowed to stay over the summer, I couldn't find it on Quick Quotes
Quill. So we can imagine that Madam Pince, who is not a teacher,
stays, or that she allows Filch or a House Elf to deal with her
precious books over the summer (not likely!). Then students who
borrowed a book could return it by Owl Post and Madam Pince could owl
it to the next student who had signed up on the waiting list for that
book. Presumably students could also owl her their request to be added
to the waiting list.
Mike the Goat wrote in :
<< Love as the greatest hidden force in the universe *is* a pretty
standard idea. I think it has Judeo-Christian roots, >>
I'm not sure if it has Jewish roots. It DOES have roots in
Christianity's other parent, Hellenism. Recall Plato's SYMPOSIUM.
Kneasy wrote in
old_crowd/message/1831 :
<< Love is a bit limiting as a universal power IMO. Do Flobberworms
love? Can they love? If they don't or can't then love ain't
universal. >>
Damn my bad memory. I can't recall which Greek poet wrote that first
there was Chaos, and then Night (Nyx) emerged and gave birth to Eros
... or was it that Eros emerged first ... Anyway, the poet's point was
that Love (Eros) was what makes everything happen. And I'm sure no
Classical Greek wrote the gloss on it that said that stars and planets
formed only because of Love aka gravitational attraction, and for that
matters electrons and protons joined up into atoms only because of
Love aka electromagnetical attraction (which implies that magnetic
repulsion is Hate, but I don't recall anyone saying so).
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