checking out the library book / Love

pippin_999 foxmoth at
Sat Jun 18 14:27:15 UTC 2005

> Mike the Goat wrote in
> :
> << Love as the greatest hidden force in the universe *is* a pretty
> standard idea. I think it has Judeo-Christian roots, >>

> I'm not sure if it has Jewish roots. It DOES have roots in
> Christianity's other parent, Hellenism. Recall Plato's SYMPOSIUM.

The room that no one was allowed to enter has Jewish roots.
Inside the Holy of Holies, there was nothing, except when the 
High Priest stood there once a year to confess and  call 
on the Name for pardon and blessing. The idea was that
God would do this because He loves His people. 

 A Jew might describe the force Harry is  filled with as Yetzer
Hatov, the good inclination, of  which love is only a part. 
However, traditionally,  the child under thirteen has only 
Yetzer Hara, not the desire to do evil exactly, but the desire to 
seek security, pleasure and property. The idea Dumbledore 
seems to be hinting at, that the good inclination was 
active  in Harry at birth or could  have been ensouled in him  by 
Lily's sacrifice, owes little to Judaism, IMO.


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