unicorns and religious references in HP (was checking out the library book

Olivier Fouquet olivier.fouquet at olivierfouquet2000.yahoo.invalid
Wed Jun 22 12:33:43 UTC 2005

 > Kneasy:
 > It's not a convincing argument IMO, to be convincing it would need
 > to persuade an objective non-Christian, not just those that appear
 > to want it to be so, so I took up the cudgels.

I am an objective non-Christian, inasmuch as you could be an 
"objective" anything. I am totally devoid of any belief in the 
Christian religion nor in any other for that matter. Yet, as I have 
written already, I perceive some christian religious references in HP 
(mentionned them in a previous post). However, I still side with you 
Kneasy when in comes to monks and nuns in HP.

 >they have
 > by no means proved their case with references to existing canon.

*Proving* your case about references is quite hard, especially 
considering the difficulty we have to prove *anything* about the books 
(try proving me that Arthur Weasley is not evil). As it is, my 
(necessarily) subjective reading of the books lead me to think they had 
(some) religious content (of Christian nature) in the symbols and 
themes used. So I wasn't surprised the slightest bit when I read JKR 
considered herself as a religious person.

I mean, an evil entity tempting a young girl to consort with a 
murderous serpent. Where have I read this before?


PS: I would be quite curious to know how someone with a strong belief 
in another religion react to these references though. Pippin, am I 
right to think you could enlighten me on this (if you wish to answer 
and feel it is quite unconnected to HP, you can send me an e-mail)?

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