Think about Neville

annemehr annemehr at
Tue Mar 15 17:05:51 UTC 2005

>  > Eustace_Scrubb:  Interesting "technical"
>  > question though--the prophecy "concerns" not just Voldemort and his
>  > potential vanquisher but also the latter's parents...could they also
>  > (if living) have raised the orb?...

Oh, so that's what happened!  The Auror Frank Longbottom, being a
parent first and thus putting the needs of his son before all other
considerations, decides he needs a keek at that prophecy.

Frank: 'Ah, here it is: "Dark Lord and (?)."  I see someone's written
young Potter's name here; they must be pretty sure it's he who
vanquished the Dark Lord, then.  But Dumbledore is *not* sure that
Voldemort's really gone, which would make *my* son the subject of this
prophecy. As Albus is being his usual cagey self and keeping the real
meat of the prophecy secret, I'm going to see what's in here.'

Frank: touches orb; is parted from his mental abilities

[half an hour later]

Alice: 'Frank? Frank! Smedworth told me you'd come down to --  Oh,
dear, I'm too late, then.  Maybe I should have told him Neville is
really James' son, but I didn't think I'd have to.  After all, dear
Nevvy is still the son of Parents Who Defied The Dark Lord Three
Times, so we just went on with Dumbledore's protections... Still, I'd
better have a listen to the prophecy, I suppose, since I'm down here...'

Alice: touches orb; is soon off with Frank for a second honeymoon at
St Mungo's

Later Dumbledore arranges for a few DEs to take the fall, with the
added bonuses of drawing attention away from the DoM, and derailing
the career of a most unsuitable candidate for MfM.  And we *still*
don't know whether it was the *name* Harry Potter on the prophecy that
got the Longbottoms, or the *fact* that Harry is the one.

~Anne, with apologies

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