[the_old_crowd] Re: Manifesto?
dontask2much at dontask2much.yahoo.invalid
Wed Mar 30 00:24:06 UTC 2005
>>Dave said:
>> Presumably the instructiveness of the reaction lies in the way people
>> treat a purely imaginative world as if it is real? Or am I missing
>> something?
Charme chuckling:
No, you're not missing a thing. :) You couldn't be more right in your
perception. If you try arguing the idea of an imaginary world against
reality with the supporters of that manifesto, one gets hit eventually with
the "so, you support child abuse?!!?" That's a leap I can't even begin to
fathom, so I gave up and exercised my right to not read the thread..... :)
>Then Ewe2:
> Actually, they're demanding that the author _make_ it real to their
> specifications. Lupinlore's problem with DD is that he professes to so
> care
> about Harry, he doesn't tell him for years the true implications of his
> scar,
> yet leaves him for years with the Dursleys. LL can only believe this is a
> mistake by JKR, or worse, a deliberate choice. He wants it fixed. He
> probably
> thinks he's being helpful. That's the kind of success as a writer you
> really
> don't want, and you can bet that any number of inconsistencies are going
> to be
> left inconsistent just so JKR has some sanity left.
>. But LL is stuck in a characterization logic
> loop. It's like complaining that Rick is inconsistent in Casablanca, or
> that
> Gandalf should have helped the Shire against Saruman. It ignores the
> story.
Charme again:
Note this quote from one of his posts on 3/25:
"Which is only to say, in the end, that if you can buy the Dumbledore JKR is
selling, more power to you! However, that does not change the fact that I,
and many others, simply cannot."
Hmmm. So, can I ask a "stoopud" question? Why does he read the books and
spend so much time debating and posting about the story if he doesn't "buy"
it and cannot accept it? :) And in the same post, a whole buncha Bible
scripture which my pea sized brain just can't seem to wrap around in the
context of his post. It seems to me it's more than just the "fix" scenario
LL has in mind.
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