[the_old_crowd] Re: Manifesto?

ewe2 ewetoo at ewe2_au.yahoo.invalid
Wed Mar 30 02:19:38 UTC 2005

On Tue, Mar 29, 2005 at 07:24:06PM -0500, Charme wrote:

> Note this quote from one of  his posts on 3/25:
> "Which is only to say, in the end, that if you can buy the Dumbledore JKR is 
> selling, more power to you!  However, that does not change the fact that I, 
> and many others, simply cannot."
> Hmmm. So, can I ask a "stoopud" question? Why does he read the books and 
> spend so much time debating and posting about the story if he doesn't "buy" 
> it and cannot accept it? :)  And in the same post, a whole buncha Bible 
> scripture which my pea sized brain just can't seem to wrap around in the 
> context of his post.  It seems to me it's more than just the "fix" scenario 
> LL has in mind.

If you go back further (I've been using gmail's search feature while the mob
rose up against Yahoomort) to, say Feb 18th, you'll find the bizarre thread
where LL decides that Voldy isn't drawn well enough, too cartoony. "Even
Satan, we are told, once had his good points."

My apologies to non-evolutionists, but this smacks of "intelligent design". Or
an intelligent design with which LL is apparently in agreement with. The
angle, Charme, for LL & Co. is this: they can't ignore it, so instead of
coming straight out with their agenda and looking like the bad guy, they argue
against JKR using what they claim are her views on her books. I've said
earlier that it wasn't a good idea for JKR to invoke Christian myth in
connection with the ultimate themes of the Potterverse, and well, there's your
results. LL would just love to burn the books because of their popularity, but
needs an excuse first, and he hopes JKR will give him one. When the series
finishes I suspect there will be a retrospective damning; they are practically
hovering in readiness out there.

When all you have are foxes, everything looks like a henhouse.

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