'Handwritten' notes in the books (Re: A few thoughts in passing)

Jen Reese stevejjen at ariadnemajic.yahoo.invalid
Sun Nov 6 17:34:28 UTC 2005

> Ginger:
> > What I think would be cool (which means that she probably will
> > come up with something cooler) would be for Harry to get notes
> > via owl with messages like "Go to Godric's Hollow and look at
> > the base of the elm tree in the back yard.  Sincerely, your
> > friend who likes raspberry jam."  We'd be wondering all book
> > long if DD is still alive, or if it was someone like Snape (if
> > he's good) using the jam as a password.  

Jen: Ah, the perfect opportunity to bring up something I'm curious 
about. I'm not sure how the Bloosmbury editions work when a 
handwritten letter comes to Harry, but in the Scholatic, we see a 
different typeface for each character. So far Hagrd, Sirius, and 
Dumbeldore have a unique 'handwriting' that Harry mentions 
recognizing. And Snape's writing is added in HBP.

Then is HBP, suddenly none of Dumbledore's notes are handwritten. Is 
it the 'dead' hand? A plot intrigue? He can write well enough to 
sign his name, but not the entire note. 


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