A Simpler Scenario

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at kneasy.yahoo.invalid
Wed Sep 7 15:22:13 UTC 2005

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "pippin_999" <foxmoth at q...> wrote:

> it wouldn't be as horrific or as devastating  as Lupin's 
> murder of Sirius, should that be revealed. 
> Jo reluctantly admits to being upset about having to kill Dumbledore, 
> with an air of, well, the old guy with the beard always buys it, what
> did  you expect. But there were buckets of tears shed for Sirius, we
> are promised we'll understand why it was Sirius who had to go, it's
> Sirius for whom she has said she feels guilty.
> Why *Lupin* did such a horrific thing -- ah, there's the question. 

Personal and all the sweeter for being so.

Sirius patronised Lupin for years and considered that Lupin's sufferings 
were merely an opportunity to enjoy himself. He thought of nothing and
no-one except as to how it would impinge on his own selfish pleasures.

Plus - Sirius was making a play for control of Harry. Can you imagine
anything more potentially disasterous? So he had to go. Better a dead
hero than a live danger.
Does everyone a favour, really.

> On TOL the other day someone asked if it wouldn't be sending the
> wrong message to kids if they were told they could not trust their
> instincts about  an abuser like Snape. There was a reply that no RL 
> child would ever be in danger of  having more to do with someone 
> like Snape than they could help.  

They're not still banging on about abuse, are they?
Glad I never have to read the posts over there.
About time they developed a sense of proportion.
They'll be demanding a sticker on all book covers soon - "No children 
were harmed in the writing of this tome and all persons, actions and
depictions bear no relationship to real persons, living or dead. 
And don't worry, we'll make the author apologise - real soon."


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