A Simpler Scenario

annemehr annemehr at annemehr.yahoo.invalid
Wed Sep 7 16:13:05 UTC 2005

> --- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "pippin_999" <foxmoth at q...> wrote:
> > On TOL the other day someone asked if it wouldn't be sending the
> > wrong message to kids if they were told they could not trust their
> > instincts about  an abuser like Snape. There was a reply that no RL 
> > child would ever be in danger of  having more to do with someone 
> > like Snape than they could help.  
> > 

Ah, but on the other hand, I have seen people worry about the message
it would send to kids if the message about trust and second chances
were undermined if Dumbledore's trust in Snape turned out to be misplaced.


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