Yahoo!Mort strikes again..

Anne (But not "Mehr." Heh.) annemehr at
Sat Aug 19 14:39:58 UTC 2006

--- In the_old_crowd at, "carolynwhite2" 
<carolynwhite2 at ...> wrote:
> Anyone know if Yahoo is having major problems lately? This is the 
> message board I can get into at the moment. If I try and access 
any of 
> the others (eg my own catalogue group!), I get a white square 
> out the background and that's it. All my browser settings are 
> for all the MB..
> Any theories??
> Carolyn

I don't know -- but Tonks_op sent a similar message to HPfGU-
OTChatter saying she can't get into any of her Yahoo groups at all.  
Some guy from Microsoft she talked to blamed it on Norton, but I'm 
running Norton and don't have any trouble.


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