[the_old_crowd] Yahoo!Mort strikes again..

Sherry Gomes sherriola at ...
Sat Aug 19 14:50:52 UTC 2006

Anyone know if Yahoo is having major problems lately? This is the only
message board I can get into at the moment. If I try and access any of the
others (eg my own catalogue group!), I get a white square reversed out the
background and that's it. All my browser settings are identical for all the

Any theories??


Sherry now:

No theories, but you are not alone.  I received hardly any mail from yahoo
groups yesterday.  I'd get an intermittent one, and it would be on some
subject but I'd never seen the original post.  This morning, I woke up to
nearly 300 messages.  Going through the folders for my yahoo groups, I'm
finding one group alone had 100 new messages, most of which should have been
received yesterday.  they are all out of order and mixed up in crazy ways.
And the problem seems to be continuing this morning.

Very frustrating, as I'm a moderator on a couple of those lists!


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