[the_old_crowd] Re: Happy Holidays!
silmariel at a_silmariel.yahoo.invalid
Sun Dec 17 10:33:23 UTC 2006
Then I'll join the Aussies ;) Reporting 77 from the Mar Menor microclimate,
we are currently having our yearly warm december week. The rest of
continental Spain is duly freezing, but I wouldn't bet on the Canary
Islands, they are too cheeky to be trusted.
Purrs from Yoda, Eeks a lot, and merry Solstice to all!
Indeed, Vi is the best.
On 12/17/06, Kat Macfarlane <katmac at ...> wrote:
> Well, actually Gatta isn't a sun bunny. She lives in Santa Cruz, CA, where
> the temperature is in the 40s, the weather is rainy, and Jane and George are
> snuggling on the sofa because it's the best way to keep warm.
> Merry Solstice to you too!
> Purrs!
> --Gatta
> --- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, in response to Gatta, ewe2
> <ewetoo at ...> wrote:
> > Hear Hear, Miaow Miaow, and a merry xmas penguin Eek likewise :D
> Talisman responds:
> Eek indeed!
> It's a fine thing when one comes along,--minding one's own business,
> I might add--and finds a couple of uppity sun-bunnies dominating all
> the Holiday well-wishing.
> Trying to show the rest of us up are you? Think you're better than
> the thermally challenged? Well, I won't have it!
> Happy Holidays to you too!
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