Happy Holidays!

Barry Arrowsmith arrowsmithbt at kneasy.yahoo.invalid
Sun Dec 17 14:23:00 UTC 2006

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, silmariel <silmariel at ...> wrote:
> Then I'll join the Aussies ;) Reporting 77 from the Mar Menor microclimate,
> we are currently having our yearly warm december week. The rest of
> continental Spain is duly freezing, but I wouldn't bet on the Canary
> Islands, they are too cheeky to be trusted.
> Purrs from Yoda, Eeks a lot, and merry Solstice to all!
> Silmariel
> Indeed, Vi is the best.

Rain, rain, and yet more rain.
With the occasional gale to send pensioners bowling along the street with
their umbrellas turned inside-out.
Still, we need a good laugh now and then.

Slight problem in that Igor reports flooding in the lower levels of Schloss 
Kneasy and he can't get to the wine racks in the cellar. "Simple," I said, 
"either hold your breath or stand on your brother's shoulders. The 1998
D'Arenburg, tonight, I think. And remember to lick the bottle clean this

Some people just have no initiative.

Even so, 
A Merry Christmas to one and all.


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