HPDH - Predictions and Lucky Guesses

Magda Grantwich mgrantwich at mgrantwich.yahoo.invalid
Mon Dec 25 16:20:36 UTC 2006

Happy Holidays, all.

Not being much concerned with the meaning of the title (which will
proably have to wait until we read the book), I want to jump to the
important stuff.  

What's going to happen?  Any predictions?  Here are a few of mine:

1.  Harry will go back to Hogwarts not because he particularly wants
to but because with Dumbledore dead (yes, he is; get over it)
Voldemort wants to make it his HQ.  It's large and protected by
strong spells, for a collector of trophies it's the ultimate stocking
stuffer, and Dumbledore's not cluttering up the best office anymore. 

2.  There will be a traitor in the Order, someone who goes over to
the Dark Side not because they're uber-evil but because they're
weak-minded and gullible like Quirrell.  It won't be who everyone
thinks it is.

3.  Pettigrew will die after doing something to save Harry's life
because he will have decided to throw in his lot with the stronger
wizard (ie, Harry) but won't be fast enough to save himself. 
Pettigrew: consistent to the end but with aging reflexes.

4.  Snape will die at the climax of the book, after spending a lot of
the book off-screen sending Harry clues through a patronus that no
one recognizes.  (Sub-prediction: we'll finally find out how patroni
communicate to people.)  After he's dead Harry will See It All
Clearly and will no longer hate Snape.

5.  Snape will be buried at Hogwarts beside Dumbledore.

6.  Percy will be reconciled with his family, after he does something
Percy-ishly heroic, like shred a file or refuse a direct order from

7.  Arthur will die.  (Darn!)  Molly will live.  (Double Darn!!)

8.  Lupin will not be ESE and one of the great opportunities of the
entire series will not be realized.  Pippin will retain her stature
as a goddess of plotting and will sign autographs for years.

9.  Regulus is RAB.  Maybe not controversial enough but there's still
doubt in some quarters.

Now, what's NOT going to happen?  What little story threads are going
to prove to be not nearly as relevant as we've assumed for so long?

1.  The Missing 24 Hours - in between the Halloween night at Godric's
Hollow and Harry's being left at the Dursleys the next night.  It
won't be mentioned.

2.  Dumbledore's death - Snape killed him.  QED.  No
he-was-alive-going-off-the-tower-but-died-on-the-way-down wiggle

3.  Sirius will remain dead - no communications from the Beyond.

4.  Regulus's backstory will not be addressed.  It doesn't matter why
he turned against Voldemort; all that matters is he did and that he
managed to hide a horcrux before he checked out.

Might come up with a few more later on.

Any takers?


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