HPDH - Predictions and Lucky Guesses

pippin_999 foxmoth at pippin_999.yahoo.invalid
Thu Dec 28 00:54:53 UTC 2006

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, Magda Grantwich <mgrantwich at ...> wrote:
> Happy Holidays, all.
> Not being much concerned with the meaning of the title (which will
> proably have to wait until we read the book), I want to jump to the
> important stuff.  
> What's going to happen?  Any predictions?

Okay, I'll bite.

1. All the action in HPHD (sounds like a video format) will take place
over the summer and fall. The acton will close with a slightly delayed
Hogwarts opening feast  on October 31, 1997.

2. There is a traitor in the Order. It's Lupin. Get over it. :) Pippin's
inbox will crash with congratulatory messages. However, one week
later everybody will be saying they knew it all along. 

3. Pettigrew will die after saving Harry's life

4. Snape will live, because he represents the eternal bastard
in all of us.

5. Harry will miscalculate the number of horcruxes, returning 
Voldemort to vapor form instead of killing him. Harry will then be 
ambushed by the traitor (see above) as he attempts to destroy 
the one remaining hx. Harry will vanquish the traitor after 
giving him one final chance to return to the good side.
Voldemort's vapor form will be trapped 
for good with the help of someone Harry doesn't expect.

6. Percy will be revealed as Dumbledore's spy in the ministry.
He'll still be a pompous oaf, however.

7. All Weasley brothers except Ron will die, fulfilling the
vision in the Mirror of Erised. (Darn, darn, darn, darn and darn)

8. Regulus is RAB. 

9. Snape did *not* kill Dumbledore. If the blood did spit,
you must acquit (no apologies to anyone now occupying the
Hell for evil counselors.)

10. Harry will fulfill his promise to visit with Grawp if anything
happens to Hagrid.

11. Harry will come *out* of the locked door at the ministry.

Here's what's not going to happen.

Sirius is not going to come back from the dead. 
Dumbledore, ditto.
Harry will not meet with his parents beyond the Veil


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