"Oh, bad luck, Harry."
Caius Marcius
coriolan at coriolan_cmc.yahoo.invalid
Sun Dec 31 03:18:52 UTC 2006
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, Barry Arrowsmith
<arrowsmithbt at ...> is like:
> See, I got to thinking. If there's the Felix Felicis Potion, why not
> the exact opposite, an Infaustus Infusion. Have a slurp of that
> and ... oh dear.
No need to for extra-Canonic invention here - adhering to Canon will
allow the same results. See FB&WTFT - specifically, the Mackled
Malaclaw: "The Malaclaw's bite has the unusual side effect of making
the victim highly unlucky for a period of up to a week after the
injury. If you are bitten by a Malaclaw, all bets, wagers and
speculative ventures should be cancelled, as they are sure to go
against the victim" (p. 28).
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