Logical Limitations

fhmaneely fmaneely at fhmaneely.yahoo.invalid
Sat Feb 4 22:45:02 UTC 2006

--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "quigonginger" 
<quigonginger at ...> wrote:
> --- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "Barry Arrowsmith" 
> <arrowsmithbt@> wrote:
> >
snip> And unless one is mortally afraid of being depressed it's 
> to see any  cross-over.
> > Demmies suck out the happiness, leaving the worst of memories 
> behind.
> > Boggies generate fear and the fears are what the 'victim' really 
> doesn't want 
> > to face *in the future*. 
> (snip)
> > I can understand the past as a place of sadness, misery and loss, 
> but why 
> > would Harry *fear* the past more than what may happen to him (or 
> others) 
> > in the future?
> Ginger:
> I understood Harry's fear to be fear not to be fear of the past or 
> what the dementors had done, but fear of seeing them again and 
> the same reaction he had on the train.  
> Not only was fainting and all that humiliating, but it could prove 
> be a problem should LV find out about it and use it against him.  

Seems to me the boggart plays on fears of a person at them time it is 
coming at him/her.  In the beginning of OOTP, Harry seemed well past 
the fear of the Dementor. If he was not, he would not have been able 
to produce the patronus which protected both he and Dud, otherwise we 
would have ended up with soulless!Harry.  I was going to say ended up 
with normal Dudders but even the biggest bully has feelings too.
>So, what would Harry's boggart be now?


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