Logical Limitations
talisman22457 at talisman22457.yahoo.invalid
Sun Feb 5 00:06:50 UTC 2006
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, "Barry Arrowsmith"
<arrowsmithbt at ...> wrote:
> Fortunately it doesn't really matter unless Boggarts can induce
>fake, i.e. totally new, previously non-existent 'greatest' fears,
>visions or memories.
The crux of my argument is that Boggarts deal in the dark side of
imagination. In this instance, Harry has already "imagined" events at
GH based on the little he has been told by DD, Hagrid, and LV, plus his
own assumptions.
Similarly, Molly has--in the course of her worrying--at one time or
another imagined "what ifs" in which her loved ones are dead.
Both of these instances relate to Rowling's descriptions of events she
can recall, and which "feel" like true memories, but which she knows
cannot be true. Rather these "memories" are compilations of things she
heard or thought or interpretated, etc, all mixed into an imaginary
The Dementor uncovers true memories, the boggart exploits the
Harry's Boggart takes the form of a Dementor, therefore it wants to
make him re-live bad memories. But, it is not a real Dementor, thus it
cannot suck out anything. Instead, it simulates a Dementor by evoking
Harry's horrible, albeit imaginary, psedu-memories.
I do recall Rowling having Lupin liken the fear of Dementors to the
fear of fear itself (see Churchill's jowls jiggle).
Harry does not necessarily fear the memories--indeed in the course of
PoA we see his ambivalence at making them stop--he fears the Dementors,
which in turn, uncover the memories.
But I take your point.
And you are correct, all of Harry's issues are connected to the past.
Everything started there, the mystery of his conflicts, his own burdens
of loss and desire. He needs to get to the bottom of theses things
that cling to him from the dark past, before he can successfully pursue
his "adult" future.
I believe Rowling has made comments of this sort, as well.
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