Ultimate Horcrux

Neri nkafkafi at nkafkafi.yahoo.invalid
Wed Feb 8 01:58:15 UTC 2006

> Neri:
> <snip>However, check
> for example Numbers 35 which defines precisely, according to the
> ancient Israelite law, the difference between murder and manslaughter.
> At least in the New King James Translation I checked here:
> http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?book_id=4&chapter=35&version=50
> "murderer" is consistently translated from "RoTZeaCH", while
> "manslayer" is translated from "makeh nefesh" (literally: one who
> strikes a soul) or alternatively from "makeh nefesh bishgaga" (one who
> strikes a soul by mistake). 

Neri adds:
Also, note in this very same chapter, whenever discussing the
punishment of the murderer the King James Translation writes "The
avenger of blood himself shall put the murderer to death", which is
translated from the original Hebrew words "yamith eth ha-RoTZeaCH"
(literally: "will kill the murderer" and *not* "will murder the
murderer"). So the ancient Israelite law makes a very clear
distinction between murder, manslaughter and execution. Each has a
different root and only murder is ever referred to with the root R-TZ-CH.


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