Lupin, mon amour was Re: Page-filler Lupin [the_old_crowd] Re: bugger and All things Snape
silmariel at
Wed Jan 4 09:39:29 UTC 2006
> I've dissed him too:
> but I also get a dig in at Ginny because I think both Lupin and Ginny are
> cannon-fodder, and no doubt half a dozen others are ripe for novelistic
> slaughter. I simply don't care about either of them.
Lucky you.
The bets are he's a goner, but, he's more than meets the eye. This lovely
teacher has made things we would be asking his blood had it been Snape the
one involved.
Could Snape get away with protecting a mass murderer during a year and still
be considered the Victim of Society and a good guy? But poor, ragged Lupin
does. The kind of things that make me dislike the character. Hey, if Snape
hadn't outed him, he should be fired, nevertheless.
Could Snape commit a pre-school fault involving magic, put someone else in
danger (real danger, not blasted ended comicreliefguts) and not be considered
a monster? Seems not, as far as the vow has gone. But Lupin can forget to
drink his potion and Harry doesn't hate him for it. Poor, nice Lupin, sure,
it was stress, or something like it. As if Harry could forget to grab his
glasses as soon as he wakes up.
> Why we might even have people who believe Lupin is good one day!
We might even have people who believe he's a werewolf one day :) I don't even
know if werewolves the Forbidden Forest are only a tale or a legend as the
DADA curse.
Can Snape make outright contradictions in what he tells without being analysed
word by word? Yet Lupin fragrantly transforms when moonstruck, instead of at
night, as he told - supposedly that's why he was locked in blood-moon nights.
If it's only how things work, why not clearly state it when Lupin told his
version, why make the contradiction?
Do werewolves transform as Cinderellas, exactly at 12 in the appropiate
nights, his change is forced when the lunar phase change (but that would make
for only a night, not the usual three), or is he just a half werewolf as Bill
is hinted to become, a favourite early experiment of Greyback, who wasn't
able to get in control as a teenager but has matured?
That could explain why he's still alive, I don't know how's he suppossed to
spy on werewolves, he smells as DDM, unless he's a very good actor, but that
brings us to the Snape point, if we distrust him for being a spy, why not
I know the hurt-comfort, liked Rowling teacher, is easy to see, but he's more
than that, he have enough seeds planted for him to be a bastard, IMO, the
character could go both ways, we can't assume that because a character is
based in someone she liked, as an author she is unable to make an original
character to be used however she pleases.
Now on Pippin's idea that Lupin puppeteered all the Prank, I don't buy it
because it deprives me of the only reason I know for Lupin to betray his
friends in full fashion (give me another one as personal and canon as that
and I'll change my mind).
I've done the little exercise of reevaluating his PoV in the prank, as if I
had to play with his character sheet, and I feel... sold, and very cheaply,
by the people I'm most supposed to trust - trust your friends, Harry, says
DD. Well, I'm not stupid (mainly because Lupin isn't), and my friends have
put me in a position of being a killer and an outcast all my life, and why?
because they hated someone and wanted some laughs on him? oh, so they used
me, betrayed me, just for that. My friends. Sure - sure they are not. Thanks
James reacted (and was quick), or I'd be a killer, period, but nonetheless,
Snape, that guy who loves me so much, knows. Who exactly should I trust from
now on? If you are roleplaying (as opposed to RL), that's enough reason for
player killing as revenge (you can do it or not, but if you do, everyone will
know the reason). Sirius at least.
> Surfacing after the seasonal surfeit.
> We've come to expect (though it may be unjustified) that the form of ones
> Patronus is an indication of character - yet we don't know what ectoplasmal
> beastie Lupin produces - despite his having conjured it on the Express in
> PoA. Very suspicious, to my way of thinking.
Very thestral like, yes.
> Throw in that he was quite
> conversational with that first Dementor (as DADA one would expect him to
> be aware that, as DD said "They are not open to pleading or excuses," or
> persuasion, I'd expect), so suspicious minds could be excused for wondering
> what's going on.
Well, if Sirius is sincere, someone had to release him of Azkaban, and that
one knew Peter was a rat (no, I don't consider the photo casual, I think the
Weasleys were arranged as winners). Mainly because if believing in his words,
Sirius' mind was so overbrainwashed he didn't even consider it possible (so
much full of contradictions and plot holes and not noticing... either he
lies, or he hasn't much mind left).
> And that battered case with the peeling name - an unemployable professor?
> So how did he get the appellation? His father's, some think - but. What are
> the odds that he has a father that a) was in the teaching profession and b)
> had exactly the same initials as Lupin. Pretty long, I'd think. So has he
> been teaching elsewhere at some time or other? And what teaching
> establishment would that be? SFAIK there's been no depiction of Lupin
> meeting any of the Durmstrang mob. Pity; it might answer a few questions.
For example, why Narcissa didn't want her child in Durmstrang. That first trip
to the Forest, with Draco scared of werewolves, could have another lecture if
he meets his fate - that euphemism for being slaughtered - in the forest by a
werewolf. Know that I think it, Draco's boggart has a good chance of being a
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