Lupin, mon amour was Re: Page-filler Lupin [the_old_crowd] Re: bugger and All things Snape

pippin_999 foxmoth at
Wed Jan 4 16:48:06 UTC 2006

> Can Snape make outright contradictions in what he tells without being analysed 
> word by word? Yet Lupin fragrantly transforms when moonstruck, instead of at 
> night, as he told - supposedly that's why he was locked in blood-moon nights. 
> If it's only how things work, why not clearly state it when Lupin told his 
> version, why make the contradiction?

Lupin does not transform at night per se, he transforms during a period controlled
by the full moon. He is absent from classes and a Quidditch game, both
of which take place in daytime. Furthermore, as I've just pointed out on TOL,
Fenrir can predict the time of his transformations closely enough to
position himself near specific victims. The moon's appearance from behind
a cloud in PoA has the distinct odor of a  scarlet  fishy.

> Now on Pippin's idea that Lupin puppeteered all the Prank, I don't buy it 
> because it deprives me of the only reason I know for Lupin to betray his 
> friends in full fashion (give me another one as personal and canon as that 
> and I'll change my mind). 
> I've done the little exercise of reevaluating his PoV in the prank, as if I 
> had to play with his character sheet, and I feel... sold, and very cheaply, 
> by the people I'm most supposed to trust - trust your friends, Harry, says 
> DD. Well, I'm not stupid (mainly because Lupin isn't), and my friends have 
> put me in a position of being a killer and an outcast all my life, and why? 
> because they hated someone and wanted some laughs on him? oh, so they used 
> me, betrayed me, just for that. My friends. Sure - sure they are not. Thanks 
> James reacted (and was quick), or I'd be a killer, period, but nonetheless, 
> Snape, that guy who loves me so much, knows. Who exactly should I trust from 
> now on? If you are roleplaying (as opposed to RL), that's enough reason for 
> player killing as revenge (you can do it or not, but if you do, everyone will 
> know the reason). Sirius at least.

Does your character sheet indicate that Lupin counted the times his
friends let him court exposure in Hogsmeade as  the happiest  days in his 
life?  Lupin did not dread exposure, even the risk of killing,  as much as 
he dreaded the loss of those outings. 

But there would have been no risk of exposure in the prank if James had 
not interfered. 

If Snape fought  to the death he would tell no tales, if he was bitten, he 
would have the best of reasons to keep Lupin's secret. He would also be in 
no condition to spy on the Marauders while Lupin was transformed.  
There would be blood and signs of a struggle, but those were 
normal in the wake of Lupin's transformations, and a corpse is easy 
for a wizard to conceal -- just  transfigure it into a bone and bury 
it later. Snape would have disappeared like Montague, and only the 
Marauders the wiser. 

I don't suppose Lupin was best pleased with the way things went, but
the outings could go on and that was the important thing, 
the only thing that made his transformations bearable. But what happened 
when James grew up, and began to realize what idiots they were being?
Once their guilty feelings awoke, James and Sirius weren't the sort to
set them aside.   It had to stop, didn't it?   Lupin had put aside his guilty 
feelings, oh so many times, disgraced himself as a prefect, but they 
weren't prepared to do the same  for him. It must have felt like the 
worst betrayal in the world.

And then Lupin found some fine new friends to transform with...

Most likely Sirius had to die because he knew too much. "Harry, take
the prophecy and run!" or words to that effect. Sounds like Sirius
knew what the prophecy was, knew where it could be found, and
thought that Harry knew too. But only a Death Eater could have
told Sirius that. Dumbledore and Snape knew that Harry didn't
have a clue which prophecy Voldemort was after.
who likes Kneasy's idea of noms de chien, but thinks that werewolves and
textbook authors are cursed with prophetic names the better to 
remind us that this is a toy universe. Some things are only painted on.

Oh, and JKR's  attitude toward speculation? Well,  she's gone native,  
that's all.  Can't imagine that we wouldn't want to be *thrifty*  with 'em

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