Give a dog a bad name

Amanda exslytherin at
Wed Jan 4 16:48:35 UTC 2006

> Kneasy wrote:

> Here's an outside possibility - when entered into the Werewolf  
> Register, werewolves are given new, descriptive names that give 
> warning to all contacts of just what they're dealing with. A  
> werewolf. It's that or lock 'em up for the protection of the 
> Protects the family name, too.
> Sound feasible?

> If that is the case - just who is/was Lupin?

Sounds very feasible and nicely allows for wolves like Fenrir to 
revel in their vile hatred of humans and their lupine prejudice.  

However wouldn't the WW know this? And if so renders Snape's reveal 
of Lupin to the parents of Hogwarts redundant.  Wolf name equals 
werewolf?  It couldn't be something the MoM could keep secret, not 
for very long with all people named wolf disappearing every full 

My thought was that perhaps it is the werewolf culture itself that 
dictates a new name when joining the clan.  In order to be accepted 
as a true non-human you discard your human name and assume a 
decidedly wolfish one.  

Of course this would imply that Lupin had joined the werewolf-
kingdom as some point in his life? I suppose it adds fuel to the ESE!
Lupin camp. And if so why keep his name when starting Hogwarts?  To 
protect his family?? Human. Possible.

Random thoughts, sorry.  Hopefully more coherent once will immerge 

Mandy, surfacing from lurkdom.

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