Current FAQ Poll
Barry Arrowsmith
arrowsmithbt at
Tue Jan 10 19:42:09 UTC 2006
--- In the_old_crowd at, "Talisman" <talisman22457 at y...> wrote:
> --- In the_old_crowd at, "pippin_999" <foxmoth at q...> wrote:
> (Speaking of the notion that death does not undo a Fidelius Charm):
> >That might make things awkward for the Potters in future, though,
> >even if the deceased SK leaves behind a supply of those handy scraps
> >of paper with the secret on it. I want to know whether the spell
> >allows for a successor.
> Do you anticipate that this will be important to the plot of Book 7? Or
> more of a wrapping-up detail?
I seem to remember that there were a few posts postulating what would
happen to the 'secret' if the SK snuffed it - about a couple years back on
TOL, it was. My offering was that the secret would no longer be magically
hidden, citing as an example the confusion, consternation and cock-ups
that might result if say, DD caught it in the neck. (Not a brilliant prediction,
much as I'd like it to be, since DD was the only other SK we knew of.)
Then there's GH.
It was the building that was hidden, not the Potters. But death to one of the
parties to the enchantment and *poof* the building (or its ruins) become
visible to everyone.
Mind you, being sneaky, if J&L hadn't appeared as play-back ghosts in
the graveyard, then I'd be theorising that they're not dead after all and
that Peter is the key to everything.
A truly nauseating happy ending. Can't have that.
How much would Jo be willing to cheat, d'you think?
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