Current FAQ Poll

pippin_999 foxmoth at
Tue Jan 10 19:55:56 UTC 2006

 --- In the_old_crowd at, "pippin_999" <foxmoth at q...> wrote:
> (Speaking of the notion that death does not undo a Fidelius Charm):
> >That might make things awkward for the Potters in future, though,
> >even if the deceased SK leaves behind a supply of those handy scraps 
> >of paper with the secret on it. I want to know whether the spell 
> >allows for a successor.

> Do you anticipate that this will be important to the plot of Book 7? Or 
> more of a wrapping-up detail?


It could be. 

If Harry wanted to admit Luna or Neville to GP for some reason, he wouldn't
be able to  unless there's either a successor secret keeper or there are some
of those handy scraps.

Then the new SK  could be someone interesting...Aberforth? or Harry himself?

 I imagine  the Potters would have had some  problems if their secret keeper  
died and there was no successor , though in their case it's not clear 
whether it was them or their house that was hidden. Either way, what if their baby
sitter quit or their House Elf died...or what if they had another baby?! 


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