Some questions
foxmoth at
Mon Jan 16 16:22:48 UTC 2006
> Snow:
> All of these examples would allow the kids to know of the Vow but wouldn't
> give them details on how to perform it. Arthur may have came home from work
> with news that so and so just died due to his neglect in honoring a Vow he
> had made but that doesn't give details on how it is performed. Unless they
> actually saw the procedure enacted or were given step-by-step instruction,
> how were they able to attempt to perform it? Also I got the distinct
> impression that this Vow is of the Dark Arts variety of magic, not something
> that is shared openly on public forums like the Daily Prophet or at Hogwarts
> since Miss Know-it-all was unawares of the Vow at all.
It sounds like the sort of thing a Curse-breaker would need to know about.
Maybe Bill was living at home in those days, and had reference books and
technical journals in his library. The twins *do* read technical stuff, I'm
> Snow:
> >However my personal favorite is that Dumbledore
realized there is a close spy amongst them that caused Snape's
loyalties to be questioned by the deatheaters and Voldemort so
Dumbledore had to use hisown demise to flush out the culprit.
> On the other hand, I don't see your evidence that there is a new
> traitor in the Order. Haven't we done that one already?
It's not a *new* traitor, it's the *same* traitor. It's Remus Lupin, and
it always has been. The evidence of a traitor in the Order is the same
as it was last time: Order members are being picked off, one by one.
Sturgis Podmore, Sirius Black, Emmeline Vance (though her death
may have been faked to secure Snape's cover), Albus Dumbledore.
Really, I don't understand how anybody could still think that Pettigrew
was spying for an entire year undetected. He stammers and breaks
into a sweat whenever he tries to lie -- something his old friends
Sirius and James would surely be aware of. How could he possibly
have fooled them? Pettigrew did betray the Potters, but only
because he was captured and threatened -- and it was the *real*
spy who gave him away. He confessed for the same reason
that he betrayed the Potters -- because he was in fear of his
life. Betcha.
Voldemort is a paranoid psychopath. It's not in his nature to trust
*anyone.* All Snape needs to know about the plan is that Draco is
not to be hindered from executing it. I believe Snape took the vow
because he thought it was a way to find out what Draco was up to
without appearing to disobey the Dark Lord's command.
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