Lupin's parents and Fenrir / hypothetical Snape-DD UV

Catlady (Rita Prince Winston) catlady at
Sun Jan 22 20:44:03 UTC 2006

Rebecca wrote in :

<< Who were Lupin's parents (particularly his father) such that Fenrir
Greyback should bite Remus in retaliation for some offense the father
did to him? >> 

I have no idea who Remus's parents were, except that apparently one of
them (not certain that it was his father) was a Muggle or Muggle-born.
But it seems not all that difficult to offend Greyback.

<< Who was dear old Dad that he was able to get a furry young Remus
into Hogwarts and have DD agree it to be so? >>

Wouldn't Dumbledore have done it for any child with the same problem?
Like, who was Draco that DD was willing to give up his own life to
prevent Draco's soul from being ripped by committing murder?

<< I ask this because Remus himself says that Fenrir's modus operandi
was "Bite them young" and "raise them away from their parents, raise
them to hate normal wizards." Makes you wonder where he went on
holiday... >>

I imagine that most wizarding parents wouldn't to endure the
difficulties, danger, and social stigma of keeping a lycanthropic
child at home, similar to a time in the US when people who gave birth
to a child with Down's Syndrome usually sent it to be raised in a
State institution. But I imagine that Remus's parents, who 'tried
everything', were not willing to give up their child just because he
had a terrible disease.

Carolyn wrote in :

<< Was that the first unbreakable vow that Snape had made? Could it be
that the reason that DD had complete faith in the man was, quite
simply, because Snape had sworn an unbreakable vow to support/protect
the Order/Harry..? >>

If so, maybe the reason that Hagrid had such absolute trust in
Professor Snape was that Hagrid was the Bonder in their Unbreakable
Vow spell? Would Hagrid be able to do that much magic?

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