[the_old_crowd] re: Lupin's parents and Fenrir / hypothetical Snape-DD UV

Kathy King kking0731 at snow15145.yahoo.invalid
Sun Jan 22 21:14:37 UTC 2006


<< I ask this because Remus himself says that Fenrir's modus operandi
was "Bite them young" and "raise them away from their parents, raise
them to hate normal wizards." Makes you wonder where he went on
holiday... >>

I imagine that most wizarding parents wouldn't to endure the
difficulties, danger, and social stigma of keeping a lycanthropic
child at home, similar to a time in the US when people who gave birth
to a child with Down's Syndrome usually sent it to be raised in a
State institution. But I imagine that Remus's parents, who 'tried
everything', were not willing to give up their child just because he
had a terrible disease.

Snow nitpicking :)

Just a small correction, which I'm certain you are aware of, that in those
days Down's syndrome kids were discriminatively called Mongoloids because
they all had physical characteristics of a Mongoloid, despite the fact that
all had a different mentality level, they were all treated equally according
to that affliction. Interesting parallel to Lupin's affliction…


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