[the_old_crowd] A link to one of the most Fascinating HP posts you will ever read!
Constance Vigilance
constancevigilance at constancevigilance.yahoo.invalid
Mon Jun 5 01:08:25 UTC 2006
Interesting. I have a couple of disagreements, but
they are minor. I think that Snape's I'm-Voldys-boy
act at Spinners End was more for Wormtail's benefit
than for Bellatrix's. Snape has been treating Peter
with distain, so there hasn't been opportunity for
long expository speeches, which Snape knows will be
relayed to Voldy.
Superwizard also reminds us that Kreachur likely has
the locket or knows where it is. My guess? I think
Kreachur will have an opportunity to give it to
Hermione, whom he owes a gift debt because of the
Christmas blanket.
--- Randy <estesrandy at ...> wrote:
> Everyone in this group has read the HP books for
> clues. Some people
> read them with prescription glasses. Some read them
> with magnifying
> glasses, and some read them with microscopes. I
> stumbled across a
> series of posts that were written by a guy named
> Superwizard624.
> This guy read these books with an electron
> microscope. He has
> figured out so many clues and tied them together so
> well; it will
> make your head spin!
> I just posted about spiders as recurring themes. He
> calls these
> themes "running bits". I have spotted a few of them
> as many of you
> have done also. Socks, spiders, slugs, etc....
> I have never read a post about bubbles before. We
> all know that
> Neville forgot something important. Superwizard624
> takes this
> concept and explains almost everything!
> Make yourself a pot of coffee or tea, and set aside
> a couple of
> hours to read the posts in this link. If you want
> to figure it out
> yourself, do not read his posts. I was fascinated
> by his ability to
> tie so many things together!
> Enjoy!
> http://www.hpana.com/forums/topic_view.cfm?tid=58884
> Randy
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