Who's a Warlock vs a Wizard in HP?
Rebecca Bowen
dontask2much at dontask2much.yahoo.invalid
Thu Mar 2 00:52:16 UTC 2006
Color me confused - this is a normal condition in my workday life, but for
my HP hobby not normal at all. :) Any help would be greatly and most
sincerly appreciated.
Since DD was Chief *Warlock* of the Wizengamot, I assume that the Old
English etymology of "deceiver" or "oathbreaker" isn't appropriate here, but
is the other speculated Anglo Saxon interpretation "the man of the logs"
(referring to the reading of runes) correct? Or even just "male witch", as I
have seen some definitions say? I notice that JKR drops the word "warlock"
rather strangely to me, outside of use in the Wizengamot and including the
word in the name of the International Federation or Confederation of
Perkins described as an "old warlock" in CoS;
"Wild - looking warlocks" in PoA;
"Rowdy warlocks" again in PoA;
The book "Madcap Magic for Wacky Warlocks" in GoF;
Grubby looking warlock in OoP;
warlocks of Liechtenstein in OoP;
bust of an ugly old warlock in HBP
Is this just slang for a male wizard? Once in GoF, JKR describes one group
of people "wizards", and in the same sentence another different set are
called "warlocks." Is it just a JKR inconsistency? It's probably not
important, but it's not so clear to me and I've always wondered about it...
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