Who knew that Peter was the Secret Keeper? (Was: After all this time...)
nkafkafi at nkafkafi.yahoo.invalid
Thu Mar 2 15:27:27 UTC 2006
> Talisman:
> Since the topic has re-emerged, I'll answer Neri's objection re: If
> the secret dies with the keeper, why wouldn't LV just make people
> his Hx SKs, and then kill them, thus insuring no one could ever find
> the blasted things again:
> Because you never know who's going to come back as a ghost, that's
> why.
> <snip>
> I imagine LV expects most people to fear death, as he does. That
> being the case, he'd expect almost anyone to leave a ghost behind.
In such case, one wonders why did Voldy kill Bertha in GoF? She could
come back as a ghost and foil his plan. But maybe he made sure her
memory was completely destroyed before he killed her? Hmm, a good
point. Must remember to obliviate the Hx SKs before you kill'em.
> Once you've shot your wad, SK-wise, it's out of your hands. You
> can't decide to make another SK for the same secret, because you can
> no longer ever tell anyone, yourself.
Not exactly. If the secret is the house where the Hx was hidden, and
you have a reason to suspect that the SK (dead or not) had blabbered,
you just take the Hx out of this house and hide it somewhere else,
using another SK.
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