More on Secret Keepers (was: Re: Who knew that Peter ...)
judy at
Fri Mar 3 19:13:37 UTC 2006
Anne said:
>>>A lot would depend on how the secret was worded, I suppose....
Suppose the secret was "James, Lily, and Harry Potter are hidden in
[such and such a house] in Godric's Hollow." Once the house was
destroyed, there would be no more secret -- anyone could now find
"James, Lily, and Harry Potter are living in Godric's Hollow" would
allow anyone to find dead bodies (though only one who knew the secret
would have been able to find The Boy Who Lived...<<<
Good post, Anne! I agree, the wording would matter a lot. Whatever
the wording was, the Secret must no longer be in effect, because
Harry's location is no longer a secret.
Snow said:
>>>Seems a few people take the secret keeper switch, as though Sirius
was Going to be the secret keeper but changed to Pettigrew at the
last moment. Sirius Was the secret keeper
end sentence. Dumbledore
was certain of it and "gave evidence" to the Ministry (herein is the
key words, gave evidence). What evidence would someone have that
could prove that Sirius was indeed the secret keeper
I don't believe that Sirius was ever the Secret Keeper. Dumbledore
is not supposed to be infalliable; he could have believed Sirius to
be the Secret Keeper even if that was not the case. I think
Dumbledore's evidence was simply that he had discussed the Fidelius
Charm with the Potters, and the Potters said that Sirius would be the
Secret Keeper. Possibly, Sirius also told Dumbledore that he would
be the Secret Keeper. Given that the only other people known to be
involved in the secret were either dead (James & Lily) or "known" to
have murdered thirteen people (Sirius), Dumbledore's testimony of
James & Lily's plan to make Sirius the Secret Keeper would have been
pretty strong evidence -- not that the Ministry requires much
evidence to send people to Azkaban.
The books say nothing about changing Secret Keepers, and I don't
believe that it's supposed to be possible.
Snow also said:
>>>Hagrid is the keeper of the keys of Hogwarts that is protected by
charms as to its whereabouts. Every first year student goes to
Hogwarts by way of Hagrid via a boat and I would bet that this is
Hagrid's way to allocate the secret of where Hogwarts is located. I
very much doubt that Hagrid was the first keeper of the 'keys' at
Hogwarts so I would tend to believe that they simply switched who
held the key previously, which didn't change its protection or who
previously knew how to find it.<<<
I have wondered why the first years go by boat -- the idea that
Hagrid has to show them the castle because he is "Keeper of the
Keys" is a very good one. (Although the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons
students presumably found the castle via some other method.) Still,
even if one needs to find the location of Hogwarts by following
someone with the Keys, and those Keys can be switched between people,
I don't think that tells us that a Fidelius Secret Keeper can be
Talisman noted that JKR posted:
>>>*The only people who ever knew their [the Potters's] precise
location were those whom Wormtail had told directly...*
That deflates the Wormtail-handed-out-little-notes theory<<<
And Jo said:
>>>Does it? Why?
DD told Harry about 12 Grimmauld Place using a note, why couldn't
Wormtail also communicate using handy post its?<<<
Right -- My interpretation of the statement, "Wormtail had told
directly" was that it meant, "people whom Wormtail told himself,
rather than telling an intermediary who then told them." I didn't
take it as meaning. "people whom Wormtail told while standing face-to-
face." After all, JKR was explaining how the Fidelius Charm works,
and that no one but the Secret Keeper could reveal the Secret. She
wasnt't saying that Secrets can't be passed via notes, since we
already know that they can be.
Now, moving on from Peter to his Voldieness:
Talisman explained
>>>why wouldn't LV just make people
his Hx SKs, and then kill them, thus insuring no one could ever find
the blasted things again
Because you never know who's going to come back as a ghost, that's
Oh, good point about the ghosts. Also, I assume that to create the
Secret, you first have to tell the secret to the prospective Secret
Keeper, and then spend some time doing the "immensely complex"
Fidelius Charm with the Secret Keeper's consent and participation.
Telling someone about a Horcrux would make Voldemort more vulnerable,
at least for a short time. If he told a non-follower, that person
would likely refuse to be the Secret Keeper and/or try to escape.
And Voldemort probably wouldn't want to use one of his followers as
the Secret Keeper either. I mean, Bellatrix & Barty Jr. might be
willing to die for him, but would Voldemort really want to kill
them? Rabidly loyal followers don't grow on trees.
By the way, I think we should assume that it takes at least two
people to do a Fidelius Charm. If Voldemort could simply use himself
as the Secret Keeper, he would have presumably used the Fidelius
Charm to turn the existence, identity, and location of his Horcruxes
into protected Secrets. But then, Dumbledore would have never
figured the Horcruxes out and we'd have a major plot hole. So let's
just assume that the Fidelius Charm doesn't work that way, OK? (This
also explains why James & Lily couldn't be their own Secret Keepers.)
Talisman also explained:
> Once you've shot your wad, SK-wise, it's out of your hands. You
> can't decide to make another SK for the same secret, because you can
> no longer ever tell anyone, yourself.
To which Neri replied:
> Not exactly. If the secret is the house where the Hx was hidden, and
> you have a reason to suspect that the SK (dead or not) had
> blabbered, you just take the Hx out of this house and hide it
> somewhere else, using another SK.
Hmmm... Once the Fidelius Charm has been performed, does the person
who originally told the Secret to the Secret Keeper still know the
Secret? Or would Voldemort need the Secret Keeper to tell him the
location of his Horcrux in order to find it?
At any rate, I don't think Voldemort would want to make the
*location* of the Horcrux the secret, or at least not the ONLY
secret. Really, the big secret is that Voldie *has* one (or more)
Horcrux(es) in the first place, and the identity of said Horcruxes.
The location only matters if people know that the Horcruxes exist in
the first place.
-- Judy, who thinks Dumbledore is really dead (alas!), even if the
FAQ about his singing doesn't say so
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