Horcruxes/Snape's social life

Olivier Fouquet olivier.fouquet at olivierfouquet2000.yahoo.invalid
Fri Mar 10 01:49:04 UTC 2006

 >Sirius's moral commentary is more important to me than who was born  
in what year.

Particularly since, as I have mentioned a few times already, there is  
absolutely no contradiction between what we know about dates and what  
Sirius says. Snape could very well have been part of "a gang of  
Slytherins who nearly all turned out to be Death Eaters" if he met  
them in his first years and then kept seeing them several times a  
year in Slughorn's party (and maybe in social events hosted by the  
Black family where Sirius refused to go but that he knew of  
nonetheless). Note that Sirius says "turn out to be DE" not "became  
DE" so this implies that they were already DE when Snape was part of  
that gang. To compare, imagine Draco reminiscing with his children 20  
years after the series and saying "Potter was part of a gang of  
Gryffindors who nearly all turned out to be members of the Order: the  
Weasleys, Hagrid, Lupin…". Well, that wouldn't be incorrect and yet  
the time discrepancy would be the same (or even much worse in the  
case of Hagrid).

 >I thought about each book, and the 7 horsthingies.

There is something I like in your theory. It looks very probable that  
the Head boy badge will go to Draco, Ron or Harry in book seven. So  
indeed, the badge will come back. However, I can't see how Voldemort  
could have make an Horcrux of it. To what murder would it be  
attached? I may have my chronology wrong but it seems to me he  
learned about Horcruxes in his sixth year and killed Myrtle in his  
fifth, so it can't be her (besides, the badge wasn't him yet). And  
presumably he would have hidden and protected the badge. So no, I  
stick to the "official" explanation presented by DD: the cup is  
Horcrux four and Nagini is Horcrux five. Personally, I am more than a  
little convinced by Horcrux!Harry so I would say Harry is Horcrux six  
and we are done. Dumbledore, maybe echoing JKR's thought, does tell  
us that "[LV] never fulfilled his ambition of collecting four  
founder's objects. " DD thinks he may have something from Rowena but  
definitely nothing from Gryffindor but I would bet the reverse.

That would make a very nice story: Harry destroys the cup with much  
difficulties only to discover that "neither can live while the other  
survives", not at all plot-couponish (hat-tip to Neri).
Best regards,

PS: Joywitch, you may have a lot of dirty secret about us, but I have  
one about you. Ah ah, you were to confident confessing that unnatural  
love of yours about something-that-must-not-be-named on HPFGU-OT  
during that endless night between GoF and OoP. It was a long time  
ago. But I remember... 

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