Updates at Jo's site -- interesting throwaway line on Hermione

cubfanbudwoman susiequsie23 at cubfanbudwoman.yahoo.invalid
Fri Mar 10 15:08:50 UTC 2006

I haven't seen any discussion here yet of the juicy new goodies at 
Jo's site.  Not being particularly good at discovering or deciphering 
clues there, I always cheat and let someone else tell me how to 
attain all the new scrapbook items (5 this time).  

[I'll put a note at the bottom from the comments section at TLC which 
does a pretty good job of it, in case anyone wants to go snag them.  
Don't read that far if you want to do it yourself!]

Anyway... Not sure if anyone other than me will find this 
interesting, but one of the scrapbook items you get when you solve a 
clue (or follow someone else's instructions, as I did ;-)) is the 
original synopsis of PS/SS.  I noticed a little tidbit near the end:

"...and Hermione Granger (cleverest girl in the year and the only
person in the class to know all the uses of dragon's blood)."

Huh.  Does this surprise anyone else that Hermie KNOWS the 12 uses?
I thought only DD knew them all -- or at least that none of our main
kid characters did.  So far we readers only know a couple of them,
right?  Oven cleaner, for instance.  I wonder why Hermione hasn't
mentioned more of those uses along the way?

Not sure what this does to my DRIBBLE SHADOWS theory -- that Snape
concocted a protective potion for baby Harry which included dragon's
blood.  Would Hermione have guessed at such a thing if she knew
dragon's blood could be used in such a way?

Maybe.  Maybe not.

Jo may only have meant that bit to be an example of Hermione's
advanced knowledge re: her classmates, but I do wonder if it isn't
also a specific example which is also going to come into play somehow
before we're through....

Siriusly Snapey Susan


First, go into the "Extra Stuff" Section. Turn the radio off then on 
and wait a few seconds. Listen to the announcement, telling you to 
put 6 drops of red potion followed by three of the green potion on a 
plant. Now, leave and click on the Eraser Portkey on the desktop. It 
brings you to the mysterious door. Now, follow the instructions with 
the potion on the plant. Now you have another scrapbook piece, 
revealing around the time of Prisoner of Azkaban, genders of teachers 
and some attempts for hippogriff names.

Now, go to the rubbish bin and move the mug four times in a clockwise 
circle. When you do that, stop, it forms a circle inside. Now leave 
and go to the extra stuff section, click on the card that 
says "Circle" with a circle on it. Now you have an original synopsis 
of "Philosopher's Stone."

Next, go to the main page. On the phone, dial "31071965" (which 
happens to be Jo's birthday, 7/31/65). Now you have an early (around 
1994) draft of Philosopher's Stone and information that Draco's 
surname used to be "Spungen."

Next, go the "Extra Stuff" Section. Grab the pen and draw a lightning 
bolt on the extra piece of paper. You will get an unrevised portion 
of Order of the Phoenix.

Go to the Fan Sites page. To the right, click on the small red box 
five times. It will open. Click the question mark bubble to get the 
same clue as the phone dialing one. An early (around 1994) draft of 
Philosopher's Stone and information that Draco's surname used to 
be "Spungen."

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