[the_old_crowd] Re: What might Lilly have known that DD didn't?
dontask2much at dontask2much.yahoo.invalid
Sat Mar 25 23:51:53 UTC 2006
Lyn here:
I must also return to a point that most satisfied with an AK attempt on
Harry consitently
choose to overlook, that is, that during the prior incantatem scene in the
graveyard, all of
LV's uses of his wand are revealed back to Jame's death, and that there is
NO regurgitation
of any wand based spell cast against Harry. Rowling had two chances at
writing this scene,
and in both she leaves out any wand based action against Harry. No scar, no
nothing. While others such as Olivander and DD may speculate and assume what
happened that night, the PI is about as close to a literal record of what
occurred as has
thus far been accessible from JKR. This, for some of us, leads us to seek
explanation and means for LV's assault on Harry.
Rebecca responds:
This part of your post reminds me of the "what *really* happened in GH"
speculation. Everyone in the WW apparently knows at the beginning of PS/SS
that LV has "fled the scene" and disappeared after being at the Potters the
night before. The *rumor* (and I emphasize the word for a reason) as
McGonagall tells DD on Pivet Drive is that LV couldn't kill Harry.
Rumors....they do get around, don't they? And the public at large (with the
exception of a suspicion DD may have had, and I'd have to check the timeline
for Regulus' spelunking in the cave) appears at that point to have not had
an notion about the Dark Twisted Lord's Hor-thing-a-mah-bobs.
Hello, what if LV *didn't* try a AK on Harry? I agree with you that the
definition of the word "kill" is probably not what everyone thinks generally
it is. I would equate what I'm speculating more with what the Dementoids do
when administering a kiss on their victims, or perhaps a form of soul
possession as LV did with Quirrell. DD did say in PS/SS that Quirrell was
"sharing" his soul w/ that of LV. And Nagini apparently does have a mind of
her own, if we take what DD says to heart.
Now, through too much sci fi viewing over during my meager existence, what
if LV's mission to GH was to collect Harry's soul and keep it himself?
That's a hell of trophy of the murder of a perceived enemy, given the
prophecy that LV believes, isn't it?
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