Whatever happened to nostalgia?
Geoff Bannister
gbannister10 at geoff_bannister.yahoo.invalid
Mon May 15 19:58:00 UTC 2006
--- In the_old_crowd at yahoogroups.com, Barry Arrowsmith <arrowsmithbt at ...> wrote:
> Aaaah, the good old days!
> Remember them?
> The world was bright, we were young(er) and the future was replete
> with possibilities.
> Joy was it then to be alive.
> And now?
> What happened? Are the golden lads and girls finally come to dust?
Something strange has happened. I have found myself agreeing (to
an extent) with Kneasy.
I did an analysis of my posts just out of interest. In the nearly three
years I have belonged to the main group, I have up to this moment in
time contributed 1858 messages. (Did I hear someone say 1858 too
My accuracy is because I learned early on to distrust the labyrinth
which lurks behind the button marked Search and have kept an
archive of my posts so that I can easily track an older message or
thread topic down if I want to quote,
Of these, 1502 were sent prior to the publication of HBP which
happened almost on my second 'birthday" in the group so I was
averaging about 750 posts per year.
In the ten months since that day, I have posted on 356 occasions
which is going to pan out at about 420 if I keep up the same rate.
That is a hefty reduction in my output. Why?
I felt that last July marked a watershed in traffic on HPFGU. Prior
to that, there were always several threads running covering a wide
range of topics - delightful things such as the identity of Mark
Evans and a long thread mainly between myself and Shaun Hately
discussing the whereabouts of the newsagents in Vauxhall Road
where TR bought the infamous diary and a host of other,
sometimes inconsequential, topics.
Since HBP, we have had thread after thread analysing Sanpe's
behaviour; what are the other Horcruxes; can Harry be a Horcrux
and such like.
Often, these have turned into "table tennis" matches between two
or so people holding opposite views and hanging onto their theories
like Dementors onto Barty Crouch Junior.
Then, from time to time, a new poster appears writing "I have just
had this great thought about X" . Everyone groans inwardly and
thinks "Yes and Queen Anne's dead. You're the 32nd person to
suggest that. Have you looked back two days on the group?"
Perhaps we are getting jaded. Perhaps the tension of a likely wait
into next year for Book 7 is getting to us. The camaradie seems a
little thin sometimes.
I have on occasions in the past remarked that perhaps we take
ourselves and our HP obsession/interest/critical analysis/... too
seriously. I read the books as an escape from the real world and
don't want to be dragged back in because someone is
complaining at the lack of correlation between them and us. I like
to approach my reading in an attitude of "the willing suspension
of belief for the moment", an approach which allows me to enter
Hogwarts or Middle-Earth or Narnia with perhaps child-like
excitement; anybody suggesting second childhood will receive
a week's worth of detentions.
Maybe, I'm a one-off in that respect; I suspect I'm not. I don't
anticipate that everyone will agree with me anymore than many
group members will agree with my Christian approach to the books
but it is that gentle disagreement and interchange of ideas - both
on the group and sometimes in off-group emails which
makes HPFGU a unique place.
Finally, I am sorry that Kneasy holds such a low opinion of LOTR. I
would point out that Tolkien did not expect everyone to beat a
path to his door to acclaim his success.
He summed up people's reaction very succinctly as follows:
The Lord of the Rings
is one of those things:
if you like it you do:
if you don't, then you boo!
"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are..."
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