[the_old_crowd] Re: Whatever happened to nostalgia?

Magda Grantwich mgrantwich at mgrantwich.yahoo.invalid
Tue May 16 19:58:07 UTC 2006

--- Barry Arrowsmith <arrowsmithbt at ...> wrote:

> Getting close to that stage with HP. It no longer engages, the
> characters
> seem less real than before, and I don't care what happens to any of
> them. Now that's something I never believed that I'd say.
> Unfortunately it's true.
> Kneasy

I'm a little more sanguine than this, although it's probably for the
wrong reason.  I'll read Book 7 (just as I read books 5 and 6) to
find out what happens to Snape, not Harry.  I haven't really cared
about Harry since POA.  IMO, Harry and the books got thicker at the
same time.

And yeah, I wish she'd shut up about the shipping - she really can't
"do" romance very well.

Magda (who predicts that such respect as JKR will enjoy in future
years will concern her creation of Snape, the most ambiguous
character ever sustained over 7 books in history)

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