[the_old_crowd] Re: How the HP Books Let Me Down: A Tragic Tale

Kat Macfarlane katmac at lagattalucianese.yahoo.invalid
Mon May 15 21:08:36 UTC 2006

<big snip>

...and then Kneasy writes:

  Less death. 
  Yet the over-arching theme *is* death, according to Jo.
  There are much more interesting subjects than death, especially in the books, IMO.
  As a matter of fact, I've just had a Kneasy moment. Possibilities for a major post, here.
  Hmm. Needs some thought. Maybe in a few days...

  The Marauders were a bit of a let-down, but not yet a totally lost cause. Pippin et al 
  still have a beady eye on Lupin, and I still have deep suspicions of Sirius. 
  Never did like flash bastards.

Oh, Kneasy, you do this little kitty cat's heart good! I haven't liked that particular flash bastard from the get-go, and I don't think it's just because he's a big black d*g!

  Yes, the Crouches. There's a nice little theory that Barty Jnr was set up to be caught;
  a plot to bring down Barty Snr, allowing the more malleable Fudge into a key position. 
  Bagman, too, where's he gone? And yes, Percy. Come to that, where the hell is Trevor?
  Ripe seams for exploitation, all of them - well, perhaps not Trevor, but I still feel that
  there ought to be a plot-connected tale or two centering on him as well. 

Gatta rather thinks Trevor inherited his family's stately pile, and is now off tootling around the Sceptred Isle in a big red motor car impressing the socks off all the girl toads. 

Or maybe he eloped with Winky?


La Gatta

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