What do you believe?

davewitley dfrankiswork at davewitley.yahoo.invalid
Wed Aug 1 15:54:22 UTC 2007

Phyllis wrote:
> I am quite annoyed by the fact that Rowling is now giving 
> contradictory answers to the question of what the characters' career 
> paths are when they grow up.  On Sunday's NBC Dateline interview, 
> she said Ron and Harry both become Aurors while on Monday's online 
> Bloomsbury chat, she said that Ron joins George in running the joke 
> shop.  

Those are not necessarily contradictory.  If you remember, Ron was 
cross with his brothers for allowing Draco to get hold of Peruvian 
Darkness Powder at the end of HPB.  As an auror, he goes undercover to 
work in George's shop, eventually whipping off his disguise ("I'm not 
really your brother Ron Weasley, I'm Ron Weasley, Auror!") and 
arresting him when he has enough evidence.

David, thinking there must be an exciting non-compliant cauldron 
smuggling adventure to be written, too

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